Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pepsi Gladiator Ad II

In this ad, we have famous football players like Beckham instead of sexy singers.

Pepsi Gladiator Ad

Pepsi Gladiator Commercial Featuring Pink, Beyonce and Britney


Wonderbra gone mad

BMW 3 Series

BMW 3 Series! Could save your life.

BMV Photo Ad

BMW, The Ultimate Attraction

Friday, March 30, 2007

Nike Shaolin soccer

What happens if the world-famous footballers go to china for a special operation. banned comercial

Well, we thought thay were selling hosting accounts and domain names only :)

Budweiser Sunburn

Be careful how you are sunburning.

IKEA Tidy up

Visit IKEA if it is time to tidy up

Levis Blind Man

Be careful. Not every blind man is blind.

Funny Yellow Pages Ad

Sometimes, you need to find what you are looking for IMMEDIATELY.

X-Box Commercial

Microsoft's incredible xbox commercial. Life is short, play more :)

Avista Language School

Learning a new language may save your life.

Shakira - Hot Pepsi Ad

Absolutely Coca Cola is better than Pepsi. However nobody matches Shakira.

Lubricant Photo ads

A few Lubricant ads from top lubricant producers such as ky, manix and so on.

Bridgestone Dog Suicide

Bridgestone's famous dog suicide ad. Our dog decides to commit suicides when he witnesses his love making love with another dog. No dog is harmed in this ad :)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Manix Gel Video Ads

The right noise!

About the ring and return of the king!

MANIX Gel Shopping Man
Shopping habits are changing

MANIX Gel Shopping Woman
Changing the shopping habits

Manix Condoms Video Ads

MANIX Fingerprint Advertisement.
Show your fingerprint through your condom :)

MANIX Water Bomb
More effective bombs with king size Manix.

MANIX Extra Pleasure

MANIX Endurance
Love has never lasted so long

MANIX End of the World

MANIX Luminous
Prepare your lightsaber. I sense a disturbance in the force :)